Grace and peace be with you and our Lord Jesus Christ!
As we enter a new church year together, we join with the Diocese of Virginia in engaging this year’s Stewardship theme: to you All Hearts are open. These words from the Collect for Purity prepare us to gather together in worship and open ourselves to the Word of God, to know the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives, and to open our hearts to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit.
With great excitement and anticipation for what God has in mind for Good Shepherd in the coming year, we invite every member of every household to make a 2018 stewardship pledge. As members of the Body of Christ, we give generously not so much because it is what we do, rather because it is a reflection of who we are. We give in thanksgiving for all the gifts, large and small, given us by God and within our beloved community. If you were not able to join us last Sunday, you may click here to read or listen to the sermon.
To make your 2018 pledge, you may use the attached pledge card or pledge online here. Between now and Good Shepherd’s “Celebration Sunday” on October 29, we ask you to prayerfully consider how you can increasingly open your heart to God, to yourself and to the gifts God has given you!