Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

For the healing of: Donald McNey; Lex Berthelsen; the Bower family; the Powell family; Anne Allen; Bev and Joe Eisenman; Ben; Marie Ogur; Ted LaMotta; Sara Gibson; Ells Lockwood; Libby Hanlan; Heather; Donna Kristiansen; Lee Hubbard; David C. Jones; Carleen Dixon Webb; Monty; Jana Allen; Marie Legatie; Michael; Declan OKeefe; Marjorie Hanson; Doris Waugh;Julia Sirios; Lois Lightfoot;Linda Reed; Leanne Bucur; Bruce and Jerri Turnbull;Matthew Sinclair; Scott Allen; Barbara Simpson; Keene Benson; John Nauful; Lucas March; Bill Lynn; Madeline Lockhart; Kenneth Bingham; Carl Bouchard; Steve Milefsky; Art Kojoyian; Cookie; Ana Maria Zelada; Mike Jolly; Lynne Brum; Luella Tapo; Richard; Sharon Jones; Phillip Lincoln; Anna Sweetnam; Eleanor Martin; Lee Bailey; Lucia Foley; Gaye Stuart; Charlie Joyce; Shannon Allen; Allan Robb; Betty and George Legg; Dick and Mary Jansson; Tyler and family; Andy; Belinda; Margaret; Bill; Karl; Peter; Rick.

For the souls of: Sue Bower and Eddie Powell

For our service men and women serving in harm’s way, especially Christopher B. Philpott

By |2017-10-19T18:00:08-04:00October 19th, 2017|Prayer Requests|Comments Off on Prayer Requests

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