Prayer Requests

//Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

For the healing of: Donna Kristiansen; Elizabeth Lee and Monty Hubbard; David Jones; Carleen Dixon Webb; Doris Waugh; Jana Allen; Michael; Declan O’Keefe; Marjorie Hanson; Marie Legatie; Heather; Ells Lockwood; Libby Hanlan; Julia Sirios; Lois Lightfoot; Leanne Bucur; Linda Reed; Bruce and Jerri Turnbull; Matthew Sinclair; Scott Allen; Barbara Simpson; John Nauful; Lucas March, Jennifer Caldwell; Bill Lynn; Madeline Green; Amanda Hauenstein; Allen Robb; Dorothy Lockhart; Sue Fidelman; Kenneth Bringham; Carl Bouchard; Charlie Joyce; Gaye Stuart; Brian.
For our service men and women serving in harm’s way, especially Christopher B. Philpott.
We pray for recovery and safe keeping for all those who suffer from natural disasters around the world. If you would like to make an individual donation please go to
By |2017-10-08T23:27:52-04:00October 8th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Prayer Requests

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