Episcopal Relief and Development

//Episcopal Relief and Development

Episcopal Relief and Development

In light of the devastation Hurricane Harvey is wreaking on south Texas and Louisiana the Outreach Committee would like to take this opportunity to remind you of COGS’ response to disasters.  We make a yearly contribution to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD).  ERD has the infrastructure to respond to individual disasters while COGS does not.  Our yearly contribution to ERD allows our money to become part of a larger pot which ERD uses to address disasters around the world and provide relief. 
If you would like to make an individual donation to ERD go to www.episcopalrelief.org.  There is a “donate now” button on the home page for Hurricane Harvey relief.  Please continue to support the Compassion Fund of Outreach which contributes to ERD.  If you have any questions or comments contact Gail Calabrese at gailcalabrese@verizon.net or Sharon Holcombe at shh5508@cox.net.
By |2017-09-26T22:16:17-04:00September 26th, 2017|Outreach|Comments Off on Episcopal Relief and Development

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