Happiness Series, Sundays in October, Adult Forum
Sunday Adult Forum resumes this Sunday, October 1, at 9:10 am, with a 4-week DVD series and followup discussion of Matt Miordsky's book, "Happy? What it is and how to find it." Led by Kathy [...]
Required Training to Prevent Misconduct (Oct 12, 1:00 – 3:00p)
Good Shepherd is offering Prevention of Adult Sexual Misconduct, which includes Prevention of Elder Abuse, on Thursday October 12, 1:00-3:00p. You are required to attend if you are: Clergy Full and part-time staff members Pastoral [...]
A Big Thank You to the Preschool!
Good Shepherd would like to give a tremendous thank you to the Good Shepherd Preschool for its gifts to the church over the summer. The gifts include: a new metal fence on the playground; new [...]
Nursery Help Wanted
The nursery is in need of help for Sundays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children attending are ages infant up to three years, and there are generally one or two children each week. This [...]
Sunday School
Thank you all for your interest. Please see me about volunteering to be in the classroom. It will be very gratifying for you as well as our children. There will training in the early fall. [...]
Godly Play
*UPDATE* Our "Adopt-a-Story" is off to a great start! Thank you to: Mary and David Helman for The Story of Joseph; The Footes for The Parable of the Good Shepherd; Mac McMurtray for shelving help; [...]